I hate her; I love him; they both hate me. 

I hate her; I love him; they both hate me. 

It was the autumn of my first semester and the first time I fell in love with her. It was sudden, like a bee sting, how it pricked me. My skin, tender and bruised, carried the mark of her poisonous kiss like a tattoo.   It was dizzying how quickly she reeled me in. Caught under [...]



Undone by words unsung From your puckered lips, the earth is born anew. Like new gods awoken by your presence I stumble from the  heat in your gaze. It’s sudden, how  quickly I crumble at your feet. Tragically  unprepared for these feelings  of uncertainty; Tested by many, I’m veteran to the unexpected But there’s something about [...]



trapped in the vines, i am trapped in the poolof his eyes. i swam beneath the surfaceand drank from the edge. it is like waterfallssplashing me across the face; neck thrown back,i wanted to consume everything. i wanted the black waterto overwhelm me, trap me in a prison of my own design.i once fabricated insensitive [...]