the weight of fate

the weight of fate

A girl with dandelions interwoven through her braids beams a smile untouched by the bitter decay of age. Wisdom is a stage we all crave yet when she closes her eyes, the sunlight never tasted so sweet on her beestung lips. A gentle breeze carrying the teasing spray of brine and the nostalgic scent of [...]

every Full Moon night

I feel like I can make this a very interesting story…..   At the ripe age of thirteen, Princess Melanie was lured into the forest by the Fey; long-armed and beautiful, trimmed with silver linings and dressed in raw, clinging silks. They barked with laughter as the led her astray, Melanie's feet skipping to a [...]

The unusual and the strange

A gypsy-soul starving for wanderlust, kohl-rimmed eyes and intricate-beaded scarves, adventure vibrant in her eyes as she searches for true meaning. An earthy remedy excludes the man-made conundrum that we so readily feast on–we forget to be philosophers, open our minds to unusual and the strange, accept that the world is not to be shaded in [...]